Now available: SPIDIA4P Newsletter – 2023/2024

Read about news on in vitro diagnostics and stay up to date on ISO standards, CEN Technical Specifications, the External Quality Assurance (EQA) programme and other activities of SPIDIA4P.

SPIDIA4P and its former consortium – of which partner Med Uni Graz and also BBMRI-ERIC were members – continues its mission, even after the end of the EU project.




In the current newsletter, read about:


  • How the work on CEN and ISO standards continues and which new standards are published


  • Special success stories and videos


  • Networking activities by former SPIDIA4P consortium members to raise awareness on the pre-analytical phase and the respective standards – networking includes participation in projects such as MICROBE, GenomeMET, ISIDORe and Instand-NGS4P, where partner Med Uni Graz is project member.