Videos related to, its Biobank Partners & Biobanking Topics
EHDS Regulation and its relevance for biobanking – webinar
Video about the secondary use of data in the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and biobanks. Legal experts from Work Package 2 (WP2) lead by the University of Vienna held a workshop and webinar for members.
10 years of ZWT: The vision is reality
Video on the occasion of the 10th birthday of the ZWT, tenants were asked about their highlights.
Professional Biobanks can make your live easier
Professional biobanks can make your life easier
A film by, the German Biobank Node (GBN) and the Swiss Biobanking Platform (SBP)
Biobanking explained to children
Animated video by Biobank Graz
Colorectal Cancer Lighthouse Collection Interview director Prof Kurt Zatloukal talks about his AI project on colorectal cancer (in German)
Open House at Med Campus Graz
Video of the highlights of the campus opening in May 2023
Relevance of pre-analytic ISO and CEN standards for IVD developers
Presentation by Uwe Oelmueller, coordinator of SPIDIA4P, at the LISAvienna Regulatory Conference
„Relevanz von Standards in der Diagnostik” at the “LISAvienna Regulatory Konferenz für Medizinprodukte und In-vitro Diagnostik” partner Biobank Graz
Animated video explains to patients and citizens how a biobank works
Wie könnten Medikamente gegen Corona helfen?
Med Uni Graz Institute of Pathology, BSL-3 Lab, on Servus TV (PM Wissen)
Biobanking zum Angreifen und Anschauen – bei der “Langen Nacht der Forschung”
Mit vielen Einblicken ins Biobanking begeisterten die Zentrale und die Biobank Graz) die vielen Besucher*innen., biobanks and exposomes (1)
Recorded presentation from the “Frontiers in Human Exposome Research” Symposium: “Biobanking and the exposome” (Kurt Zatloukal, Med Uni Graz &, biobanks and exposomes (2)
Recorded presentation from the “Frontiers in Human Exposome Research” Symposium: “The HEAP FAIR toolbox” (Heimo Müller ( partner Med Uni Graz & HEAP)
“EFRE – Erfolgsgeschichten aus der Steiermark”
ZWT, Med Uni Graz, EFRE
Nasenspray statt Corona-Maske: Ist das die Zukunft?
Uni & Med Uni Graz (BSL-3 Lab) (RTL TV): Weg mit der Maske!? Forscher setzten auf Bananenprotein. Einblick in neue Forschung., Biobanken, Probenqualität, IVDR und Standards
Warum sind Proben von hoher und definierter wesentlich für Diagnostik und Forschung und wie können Biobanken hier unterstützen?
„Personalised Medicine” at the biobank of Med Uni Graz
European Patent Office
Lecture Series “Biobanking infrastructure” – Part I: Introduction to Biobanking
Learn about the history and basis of biobanking in the lecture given by Prof. Georges Dagher (associate professor Med Uni Graz)
Lecture Series “Biobanking infrastructure” – Part II: The Need for Research Infrastructures
Find out why Europe implemented research infrastructures and in particular in the field of biobanking, which led to the foundation of BBMRI-ERIC
Lecture Series “Biobanking infrastructure” – Part III: Improving quality of biobanking
Georges Dagher emphasises to increase quality, improve research, reduce costs and maintain public trust
Supplying evidence in health emergencies
Current issues raised by the pandemic are related to ethical questions and evidence-based decisions during health emergencies. By Dr. Georges Dagher, Med Uni Graz
“Enhance the reliability of diagnostics with the support of standards”
Norms like ISO standards are common in many fields and industries. Medical diagnostics and research are lacking behind … Personalized medicine talk by Dr. Uwe Oelmueller (SPIDIA4, QIAGEN) at a course on pre-analytical standards.
“Discussing Standards with SPIDIA4P at the European Parliament”
BBMRI-ERIC event at EU Parliament Can new international and European standards increase patients’ safety by reducing the negative? Video report & interviews with contribution from an BBMRI-ERIC event at theEU Parliament. Topic was the importance of pre-analytics and standards for precision medicine and the role of biobanks.
“European researchers tackle cancer with Biobanks”
EuroNews TV, part I
“European Biobanks fight back against Colon cancer”
EuroNews TV, part II
Quality of Biomarkers and Testing Cycle: Biomarkers Meet Biobanks
Biobank Graz (in the context of Codex4SMEs)
Biobank Graz at your Grasp – Ask the Experts Session
Biobank Graz (in the context of Codex4SMEs)
Biological Samples in Biobanks
Types, Quality, Management and Gains for your Business/Research | Biobank Graz (in the context of Codex4SMEs)
“Biobank Graz”
Video from ZWT Opening
Biobank Graz der Medizinischen Universität Graz
Video by Med Uni Graz
“The World in 2050” – Project
Presentation at World Economic Forum’s Davos 2022 by Internat. Biobanking and Education, Med Uni Graz
ELSI Dialogues – Biobanks and registires
What’s the difference?