partner MedUni Wien Biobank involved in study of corona booster vaccination effect partner Medical University of Vienna investigates the effectiveness and safety of CoV booster vaccinations with a large-scale study. For this purpose, researchers are looking for at least 5,000 volunteers in Vienna. MedUni Wien Biobank manages the pre-analytical and analytical processes in this study.

Purpose of the study

In order to obtain precise information about the effectiveness and safety of these booster vaccinations, the largest possible amount of data should be collected. It is important to know how many people show vaccine reactions and side effects, and of which type and how well they develop antibodies.

The study also examines possible influencing factors on the vaccination effectiveness such as age, gender, type of vaccine, time since the primary vaccination course or previous illnesses.


Further study details

The study includes three blood tests at the Austria Center – one on the day of the booster vaccination, one four weeks after the vaccination and a third after six months.

How to participate

Anyone who undergoes a booster vaccination on Impfstrasse in the Austria Center Vienna can take part in the study. Registration for participation is possible on site in Impfstraße.