Governance Structure & Organization of

The governance structure of the Austrian biobanking infrastructure resembles that of the European BBMRI-ERIC.

Management Committee

The Management Committee consists of the National Node Directors, the Local Biobank Coordinators of each consortium partner and of Work Package Leaders. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Luka Brcic (Medical University of Graz) National Node Director: Prof. Dr. Georg Göbel (Medical University of Innsbruck) National Node Director Deputy: Prof. Dr. Luka Brcic (Medical University of Graz) Executive Manager and Coordinator Deputy: Mag. Cornelia Stumptner (Medical University of Graz)

Work Package Leaders

Work Package (WP) Titles

Work Package Leaders (WPLs)

IT Architecture and Data Integration of Austrian Biobanks
Prof. Dr. Georg Göbel (Medical University of Innsbruck)
Legal and Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó (University of Vienna)
Quality Management
Prof. DDr. Helmuth Haslacher (Medical University of Vienna)
Environmental Sustainability and Biobanking
Mag. Monika Valjan (Medical University of Graz, Biobank Graz)
Veterinary Biobanks: Potentials & comparative medicine/’One Health’
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Walter (University of Veterinary Medicine)
Coordination of the National Network & Operation of the National Node
Mag. Cornelia Stumptner (Medical University of Graz)

Coordination Office

Operational / Project Manager: Mag. Cornelia Stumptner (Medical University of Graz)

Local Biobank Coordinates

Consortium Partner Biobank

Dr. Patrick Neff
Biobank Innsbruck – Medical University of Innsbruck
Mag. Monika Valjan
Biobank Graz – Medical University of Graz
Prof. DDr. Helmuth Haslacher
MedUni Wien Biobank – Medical University of Vienna
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Walter
VetBioBank – University of Veterinary Medicine
DI Dr. Franz Gruber
Biobank Linz – Johannes Kepler University Linz

Assembly of Consortium Partners (ACP)

The ACP consists of representatives of each consortium partner

ACP Representative

Consortium Partner

VR Doz. Dr. Christian Enzinger
Medical University of Graz
VR Prof. Dr. Christine Bandtlow
Medical University of Innsbruck
VR DI. Dr. Michaela Fritz
Medical University of Vienna
VR Prof. Dr. Otto Doblhoff-Dier
University of Veterinary Medicine
VR Mag. Dr. Elgin Drda
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó
University of Vienna

External Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board (SEAB)

The SEAB consists of experts who supervise the work of and give advice to the Management Committee.

SEAB Member (as of 2024, in alphabetical order)

Field of Expertise

Dr. Uwe Oelmueller
Industry, R&D, quality
Prof. Dr. em Ingrid Pabinger
Biobanking, clinics, research
Prof. Dr. Aarno Palotie
Biobanking, research
Prof. Dr. Barbara Prainsack
Prof. Dr. Martin Widschwendter
Research, biobanking (in oncology)
Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Wood
Veterinary biobanking and research, one health
Prof. em Dr. Kurt Zatloukal
Biobanking research infrastructure & related topics, research
Helene Prenner
Data, data quality, digital health