Videos of & other speakers’ presentations given at the “Frontiers in Human Exposome Research” HEAP & Symposium are now available

Around 100 people were interested to hear and exchange about new developments in the field of exposome research on June 1, 2022. co-organized the symposium “Frontiers in Human Exposome Research” of the EU project HEAP (Human Exposome Assessment Platform).

The exposome refers to the all the environmental exposures that individuals experience over their lives and how those exposures affect health. Invited established experts presented the latest exposome research at the “Frontiers in Human Exposome Research” symposium, 1 June 2022.


The event was held in a hybrid format at Med Uni Graz. The presentations of the speakers from e.g., the HEAP project and Exposome Austria were recorded and are now available as videos.

Biobanking and the exposome (Kurt Zatloukal, Med Uni Graz &; AT)

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Are biobanks and research infrastructures ready to address the grand health challenges of today and tomorrow?

Biobanks have expertise in collecting, preserving and providing access to biosamples according to latest quality standards. They also have expertise in ethical and legally-compliant processing of health data. Currently however, most biobanks lack detailed exposome data.

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Measuring the exposome: Delusion or next frontier? (Benedikt Warth, University of Vienna & Exposome Austria; AT)

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Is it even possible to measure the exposome?

Innovative workflows for the omic-scale investigation of toxicants, and examples of exposure data from proof-of-principal experiments, to showcase the dynamics and complexity of different exposure scenarios were presented.

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The HEAP FAIR toolbox (Heimo Müller ( partner Med Uni Graz & HEAP; AT)

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The so-called HEAP FAIR toolbox is a set of dockerized open-source tools accessible through an app store. Each of the software tools is supplemented by a FAIR Data Point (FDP) providing metadata about the catalogue and datasets and a Provenance Access Point (PAP) for recording and accessing provenance information for samples and data records.

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