Invitation to the ‘Austrian Cohort Research Days’ – an activity of the ‘Austrian Cohort Initiative’

Save the date: 25. + 26. April 2023 in Wien

Cohorts are an essential basis for answering crucial health-related questions and supporting innovative developments and research activity. For example, in areas such as recording the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors on health and disease, human biomonitoring to record the effects of environmental pollutants on humans, monitoring the spread and impact of infectious diseases, developing new cancer prevention concepts, healthy ageing, etc.

Due to this importance, there are also several cohort initiatives in Austria to meet the demand.
In this context, BBMRI/ and EIRENE/Exposome Austria act as contact points for national and European participation in research infrastructures.

With the ‘Austrian Cohort Initiative’, we are trying to develop synergy effects of existing or planned cohort activities in Austria in order to optimize efficiency and competitiveness. On the one hand, the impact of existing cohorts is to be increased, while on the other, the focus is on developing new, modern cohort concepts, taking into account the latest technologies and issues.

To bring the ‘Austrian Cohort Community’ together, present the initiative and start a joint and coordinated planning process, we invite you to the “Austrian Cohort Research Days” (April 25-26, 2023 | Vienna). The aim is to identify current activities and unmet needs in order to develop a joint cohort strategy.

Participation is free of charge. Due to a limited number of participants, we kindly ask you to register by email to Mag. (FH) Cornelia Stumptner ( [email protected]

Groups wishing to present their cohort (initiatives) as a short paper or poster can send an abstract (in English, approx. 200 words, Word document, Calibri 11 font; (see abstract form)) describing the main characteristics of the cohort. The abstracts will be made available to the participants.

Austrian Cohort Initiative – Current team

Benedikt Warth (University of Vienna, Exposome Austria node of EIRENE RI)
Maria Uhl (Federal Environment Agency, Human Biomonitoring Platform)
Christine Hartmann (Federal Environment Agency, Human Biomonitoring Platform)
Claudia Gugundacker (Medical University of Vienna)
Cornelia Stumptner (Med UniGraz,
Eva Schernhammer (MedUni Vienna)
Lukas Wisgrill (Med Uni Vienna)
Maria Wakolbinger (Med Uni Vienna)
Marie-Kathrin Breyer (Clinic Penzing)
Martin Widschwendter (University of Innsbruck, European Human Exposome Network HEAP)
Sylvia Hartl (Ludwig Bolzmann Institute)
Kurt Zatloukal (Med Uni Graz,
Thanks to our supporter Life Technologies Ltd.!