Public Relations Award for’s Kids University Workshops

The Austrian Society of Pathology awarded Cornelia Stumptner from for the ‘Biobanking and Pathology Kids University Workshops’ she conceptualised and now holds in collaboration with colleages from the Institute of Pathology, Medical University of Graz.

The awareness about the work and importance of biobanks and pathology insitutes is very low in Austria. Therefore, aims to increase the public knowledge and to engage the public by various activities. One of these public activities are “Biobanking and Pathology University Workshops for Kids”.


Cornelia Stumptner not only developed and conceptualised the idea and concept but also holds the workshops together with colleages from the Institute of Pathology at Medical University of Graz, i.e. Luka and Iva Brcic, Franz Gollowitsch, Iris Kufferath and Daniela Pabst.


Several workshops have already been held for children of different ages from kindergartenprimary school to secondary school children and for events of different durations (from 1 hour to activities during the Long Night of Research).


The workshops are a good means to reach out to the public and make the terms biobanking and pathology tangible.