Pre-analytical sample processing in Biobanking – practical laboratory course

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Date: February 4 -6, 2015

Location: Institute of Pathology, Medical University of Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 25, A-8036 Graz, Austria

Course Objective:
This course will provide in-depth theoretical insight and practical experience concerning variables during pre-analytical sample processing that are critical determinants for the quality of biological samples and further molecular analyses.The participants will have the opportunity to perform major steps in pre-analytical sample processing in the laboratory.


Target Group:
The course is aimed at those who work in biobanks or are involved in biobanking activities (e.g. professionals, PhD students, postdocs, and technicians from biobanks or health care, universities and industry).

Organizers & Contact:

Kurt Zatloukal – Director, Medical University of Graz; [email protected]
Cornelia Stumptner – Project Manager, Medical University of Graz; [email protected]