Now available: First MICROBE EU Project Newsletter

Read about the goals of the MICROBE project, the MICROBE consortium and two upcoming project-related workshops.

MICROBE, an acronym for Microbiome Biobanking (RI) Enabler, is a four-year EU funded project with the aim to develop methods and technologies for biobanking of microbiome samples and work out an operational framework for microbiome biobanking considering relevant data infrastructure, pre-analytical sample quality and quality control.


Within the project, partner Med Uni Graz is leading Work Package 4 on “Standardization and quality control”, which aims to develop guidance documents for the pre-analytical phase of microbiome samples, such as from soil, marine/sea water or (plant) seeds. The standard CEN/TS 17626 for human specimens intended for microbiome DNA analysis – currently developed into an ISO standard (under the lead of Med Uni Graz) – will serve as a reference.


The project MICROBE and its work was funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe grant 101094353.


Upcoming events

MICROBE online workshop – Nagoya for Beginners

11th December 2023, 10:00-12:00



MICROBE online workshop – Keystone taxa & core microbiota

15th January 2024, 8:00-12:00
