Strong interest in the 5th LISAvienna Regulatory Conference for Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostics participated with several speakers and an expert booth in this annual conference, which took place October 12, 2021 in the Pharmacy Wing of Schloss Schönbrunn (Vienna).
Almost 400 people from the DACH region were interested in the exchange via MDR and IVDR and related topics such those addressed by, namely pre-analytics, biobanking, and AI.

The approval of medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics is one of the greatest challenges for SMEs and particularly start-ups. The Regulatory Conference addresses particularly SMEs and supports them by informing them about MR and IVD related topics and bringing them together with experts in these fields. invited all members of its Translational Science Forum consisting of also of representatives from industry to join the conference in order to learn about the latest information about the IVDR, pre-analytics, standards and about and the Austrian academic biobanks.


You could not attend all lectures or would you like to read some points in the lecture documents?

Here you will find the lecture documents for reading the most important discussion points from and other speakers:



  • A3-3:Anforderungen für AI-basierte Diagnostika in der medizinischen Bildanalyse (Med Uni Graz und, Heimo Müller)