Success story

Kick-off Meeting of ErasmusKA+ Project SCIBIOEU at Headquarters in Graz members from Med Uni Graz are partner in the ErasmusKA+ Project SCIBIOEU. The Kick Off Meeting was held as a hybrid event at the headquarters at ZWT Graz on 23 January 2023.

SCIBIOEU stands for “SCIence outreach: The example of BIObanks in EUrope” is an Erasmus+ KA2 project in Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education.


The SCIBIOEU project aims to develop a course focusing on the science outreach of biobanking, adapted to the need of young scientists and students of Health and Biological Departments of Higher Education Institutions (HEI). It will also develop an innovative serious game as an attractive and effective tool for the awareness of the general public in biobanking issues and a digital guideline handbook called “Best Practice Guidelines for Science Outreach”.


Planned outcomes of the project are:

  • A “SCIBIOEU course” focusing on the science outreach of biobanking including training on communication methods and cultivating students’ and young scientists’ skills in science outreach.
  • An “e-learning platform” including the course that can be easily integrated into HEIs’ platforms.
  • An innovative and attractive “Serious Game on Biobanking” as an effective tool for public awareness and training in biobanking issues.
  • A practical digital guideline handbook called “Best Practice Guidelines for Science Outreach” focuses on the best practice guidelines for science outreach.


At the Kick off Meeting (23 Jan 2023 at Med Uni Graz), partners from Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Finland and Austria had the chance to meet and to discusse the project plan and the upcoming activities of this 2.5 year EU project. Cornelia Stumptner, responisble for this project at Med Uni Graz, gave an overview on biobanking-related courses and public activities at Med Uni Graz.


The participants were invited to visit partner Biobank Graz and gained an insight into this modern and huge infrastructure.

More about the SCIBIOEU project