partners Med Uni Graz Oncology and Biobank Graz collaborate with German metabolomics company Lifespin

The German metabolomics firm Lifespin has recently entered a scientific collaboration agreement with Biobank Graz and the Clinical Division of Oncology at to get access to more than 25,000 longitudinal blood samples from roughly 4,800 cancer patients.

Samples will be analysed using Lifespin’s NMR-based metabolomics platform. Lifespin CEO Ali Tinazli praised the extraordinary depth of the data that will be able to be analysed.

The analysis will allow to gain further insights to detect malignant diseases earlier, and elucidate metabolic changes in cancer patients over time.

For the Med Uni Graz oncologist Prof. Jost, the collaboration supplements their goal to apply translational cancer research towards clinical diagnostics and treatment implementations.