Implementing Biomedical Research Projects

Virtual workshop held from May 11-14, 2020

Learning about relevant steps and associated ethical, privacy, sample quality and biobanking issues during the conception and implementation of biomedical research projects: This was the goal of the online workshop held May 11 – 14, 2020.

With 39 international participants from 14 countries, the workshop was well visited.
The course was organized by Medical University of Graz (Project EASI Genomics), BBMRI-ERIC and the European Joint Programme Rare Diseases (EJP RD) and jointly held with the partners, QIAGEN and CBmed.



Among the speakers and topics were
  • Michaele T. Mayrhofer (BBMRI-ERIC) overview of ELSI in biobanking and privacy management
  • Irene Schlünder (BBMRI-ERIC ELSI Services & Research) Lecture on GDPR
  • Josef Haas (Ethics board of the Med Uni Graz) The role of ethics committees in biomedical Research
  • Peter M. Abuja (Med Uni Graz, EASI-Genomics) The Study Protocol – key elements and a description of the whole workflow (ethics, data management, privacy protection, patient selection, sample management and analysis)
  • Uwe Oelmüller (QIAGEN GmbH) Rationale for defining standardized pre-analytical workflows in light of the requirements of the IVDR
  • Cornelia Stumptner (Med Uni Graz, CEN/TS & ISO Pre-Analytics Standards at a Glance
  • Karine Sargsyan (Med Uni Graz) State-of-the-art in standardized biobanking at the Graz Biobank
  • Prisca Pondorfer-Schäfer (Med Uni Graz) Sample procurement in co-operations with clinical partners – the clinical point of view