For microbiome biobankers & researchers: “Nagoya Protocol for Beginners – A crash course in access and benefit-sharing”

The EU Project MICROBE, in which coordinator Med Uni Graz is project partner, organized a workshop on the Nagoya Protocol. The recording of this workshop, which is particularly relevant for the microbiome & biobanking community, is now available on demand.

What is the Nagoya Protocol?

The Nagoya Protocol is an agreement under international law signed by over 70 countries around the world. It contains regulations about access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization. Thereby, “Utilisation of genetic resources” is understood as research and development with the genetic and biochemical components of plants, animals or microorganisms.

The Nagoya Protocol also aims to contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.


Workshop “Nagoya for Beginners” by MICROBE

Why does the Nagoya Protocol matter? This was one of the topics addressed in the workshop organized by the consortium member Leibniz Institute DSMZ on 11th December, 2023.

About 180 participants watched the exciting presentations and discussions.

You missed the live workshop or want to a refresher?

View the recording now:


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