Exposome Austria Research Infrastructure is about to start: Kick-off meeting on 31 May 2022

At the beginning of the year, the “Exposome Austria Research infrastructure” started and is coordinated by the University of Vienna. The Medical Universities of Vienna and Innsbruck and the Federal Environment Agency are project partners, BBMRI.at is a strategic partner. Exposome Austria is part of the European research initiative EIRENE (Environmental Exposure Assessment in Europe).

Exposome and aim of Exposome Austria

Exposome research aims to describe non-genetic, external influences, which humans are exposed to, such as environmental contaminants, food ingredients, drugs, plasticizers, and the combined toxic effects on humans and their health.

Exposome Austria will collect new data on the exposure to foreign substances and develop new approaches for their evaluation. In particular, pollutants to which children are exposed are systematically examined. “In the long term, we want to help minimize the burden of critical influences and thus support personalized prevention and the reduction of chronic diseases.” says Exposome Austria coordinator Benedikt Warth:

Exposome Austria as part of an EU project

Exposome Austria is the national research consortium of EIRENE, a large-scale European research infrastructure, and includes researchers from the Un Vienna, Med Uni Vienna, Med Uni Innsbruck, Federal Environment Agency and strategic alliances with BBMRI.at, eLTER, and ISOtopic Solutions.

Around 50 research institutions from 17 countries are involved in the ESFRI infrastructure EIRENE (Environmental Exposure Assessment in Europe) which is one of eleven ESFRI infrastructures included in the 2021 Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures.

Launch event

The official launch event of Exposome Austria is planned for May 31, 2022 at the University of Vienna, in the presence of representatives of all partner institutions including BBMRI.at as well as international guest speakers.