BBMRI Workshop on Trusted Research Environment

As initiated by, the Biobanking Research Infrastructure headquarters BBMRI-ERIC is organizing a virtual workshop on “Building a Trusted Research Environment”. The event will open the discussion on creating Trusted Research Environments (TREs) for data-sharing in health research.

When: Monday 18 October 2021, 9:00-12:00 CEST

The workshop aims at outlining the current landscape and contexts, providing new focus for national nodes and patients’ organizations and showing examples of good practice in developing and using Trusted Research Environments.

The event is particularly addressing BBMRI-ERIC’s Stakeholder Forum Patients Pillar and designated members from National Nodes:

Invited as participants are patient advocates, representatives from national patients’ organizations, biobankers and representatives from BBMRI National Nodes from the BBMRI-ERIC members states

Among the chairs and speakers are Prof. Kurt Zatloukal ( Director; Med Uni Graz) and Prof. Ulrike Felt ( Work Package Leader for “Responsible Research & Innovation”; Uni Wien).