BBMRI-ERIC releases new Self-Assessment Survey

A new Self-Assessment Survey reflecting the ISO standard 20184-3:2021 “Specifications for pre-examination processes for frozen tissue – Part 3: Isolated DNA” is now available for BBMRI-ERIC Member/Observer States.

The ‘Self-Assessment Surveys’ are an online tool that and BBMRI-ERIC QM Experts from various countries have jointly developed. It helps biobanks in one of the first steps of implementing the published CEN Technical Specifications and/or ISO standards for pre-analytical sample quality: Namely the evaluation if the sample collection, processing and storing processes meet the requirements of these international sample quality standards. It can be applied for both, existing and prospective collections.

To enhance the visibility of biobanks and/or sample collections that meet defined quality criteria, the BBMRI-ERIC Self-Assessment Surveys (SAS) give them the opportunity to stand out in the BBMRI-ERIC Directory with quality labels which can be awarded after a positive remote/on-site audit within our auditing system.
You can now choose from a total of eleven Self-Assessment Surveys, ten of which are based on ISO standards and one on CEN Technical Specifications for biobanks.

Interested to self-assess if your laboratory meets the requirements of standards like
  • ISO 20387:2018 – Quality Management Systems – General Requirements for Biobanking
  • ISO 20184-1:2018 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for frozen tissue – Part 1: Isolated RNA
  • ISO 20184-2:2018 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for frozen tissue – Part 2: Isolated proteins
  • ISO 20184-3:2021 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for frozen tissue – Part 3: Isolated DNA
  • ISO 20166-1:2018 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for FFPE tissue – Part 1: Isolated RNA
  • ISO 20166-2:2018 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for FFPE tissue – Part 2: Isolated proteins
  • ISO 20166-3:2018 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for FFPE tissue – Part 3: Isolated DNA
  • ISO 20186-1:2019 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for venous whole blood – Part 1: Isolated cellular RNA
  • ISO 20186-2:2019 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for venous whole blood – Part 2: Isolated genomic DNA
  • ISO 20186-3:2019 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for venous whole blood – Part 3: Isolated ccfDNA from plasma
  • CEN/TS 16945:2016 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for metabolomics in urine
  • CEN/TS 16945:2016 – Specifications for pre-examination processes for metabolomics in serum and plasma