recently hosted successful consortium meeting in Graz recently brought together its Management Committee (MC) to a meeting in Graz, where discussions on strategic topics, legal frameworks, and biobanking consent practices were disussed.

On 21 November, held a Managemen Comittee (MC) Meeting in Graz. It was hosted by the coordination (from Med Uni Graz) at the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Medicine (ZWT) where, BBMRI-ERIC, and Biobank Graz are located. The event brought together members of the Management Committee (consisting of the Work Package Leaders and the Local Biobank Coordinators) as well as many representatives from the team.


The meeting’s agenda included strategic discussions on the upcoming BBMRI-ERIC Work Programme for 2025-2027 and preperations for the annual meeting which will be held in January 2025.


The BBMRI-ERIC Work Programme 2025-2027 builds on the BBMRI-ERIC 10-Year Roadmap which contains important strategic directions to achieving the BBMRI vision “Biobanking for a Healthier World”. One of the directions is for example emphasizing the integration of health research across human, animal, and environmental domains. Another one, the advancing of digital transformation to ensure high-quality, purpose-driven research data. discussed its contribution as National Node to the BBMRI-ERIC 3-year work program. In several areas has a lot of expertise and experiences. The second major agenda point at the MC Meeting was an engaging workshop by’s Work Package 2 (led by University of Vienna), focusing on the topic “Understanding Broad Consent in Biobanking”. The workshop explored different consent models in biobanking, examining their respective advantages and disadvantages.


Moreover, they explored different legal acts namely the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Gouvernance Act (DGA) and the upcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS) Regulation – as well as the requirements for consents and relevance for biobanks in the Austrian (legal) context. The workshop was followed by a discussion on informed consent practices within the consortium’s biobanks.


The meeting concluded with a review of’s activities and communication strategies, highlighting success stories and providing an outlook on future initiatives.