PoCOsteo cohort at Biobank Graz meets CEN/TS pre-analytical sample quality requirements

The sample collection “PoCOsteo cohort” at BBMRI.at partner Biobank Graz meets the requirements of the CEN/TS 16945:2016 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations – Specifications for pre-examination processes in metabolomics in urine, venous blood serum and plasma. The cohort is now quality-label in the BBMRI-ERIC directory.

Biological samples of high and defined quality are of utmost importance for achieving reliable analytical medical results in diagnostics as well as in research. Therefore, BBMRI.at biobanks committed themselves to implement the existing standards for sample pre-analytics published by ISO and/or the European Committee for standardization CEN: the “Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations — Specifications for pre-examination processes”.


3 of 4 BBMRI.at biobanks already have sample collections with more than 300,000 samples with a “meets CEN/TS or ISO pre-analytics standards” quality mark in the BBMRI Directory. For Biobank Graz, it is the 6th collection with such a quality mark.