Strong premiere of cinema film about biobanks

Strong premiere of the movie “Golden Genes” on November 4, 2016 at the KIZ Royal Cinema in Graz

The subject of genes and biobanks attracted some 100 visitors to the premiere of the documentary film “Golden Gene” at the KIZ Royal Cinema on 4th November, 2016. The film team and the protagonists from, Kurt Zatloukal (pathologist and biobank expert at the Med Uni Graz) and Berthold Huppertz (director of Biobank Graz, one of the largest biobanks in Europe), attended as well.


After the showing Kurt Zatloukal and Anna Durnová (both from responded to questions from the moderator and the audience in a panel discussion.


The film was also very well attended in Vienna, where the premiere took place on October 6, 2016.