Kurt Zatloukal and Anna Durnova from BBMRI.at in Radio Ö1

About biobanks, patients and the Europe Biobank Week

A Bank for Tissue, Blood and Data



Tissue, blood and saliva – all these samples are collected in biobanks. Together with associated medical data and information on the lifestyle of patients they are indispensable for modern medical research. In this context, it is important to be able to rely on and have international access to samples of high quality collected in biobanks in a standardized processes, explains Kurt Zatloukal, Coordinator of the Austrian node of the European Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure, BBMRI.at.



But with scientific progress, also issues such as privacy concerns are growing.



Whether and what are the concerns of patients in this regard, has been investigated at BBMRI.at by the political scientist Anna Durnova together with Melanie Goisauf and Johannes Starkbaum, for example as part of the Citizen Expert Panels.



Listen to the radio / audio contribution in the Ö1 “Mittagsjournal” (15.09.2016, in German)