Quality management for biobanks

BBMRI.at has published numerous publications on the topics of pre-analytics standards, IVDR and quality management for biobanks in recent weeks.

Pre-analytical processes in medical diagnostics: New regulatory requirements and standards

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New Biotechnology, Volume 52, 25 September 2019, Pages 121-125

Georges Dagher, Karl Friedrich Becker, Serena Bonin, Carole Foy, Stefania Gelmini, Mikael Kubista, Penelope Kungl, Uwe Oelmueller, Helen Parkes, Pamela Pinzani, Peter Riegman, Ulrike Schröder, Cornelia Stumptner, Paola Turano, Robert Sjöback, Andrea Wutte, Kurt Zatloukal

This paper was written by partners of the SPIDIA4P Consortium, of which BBMRI.at partner Med Uni Graz is a partner.

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Quality management at the Austrian Biobanking Consortium BBMRI.at – Establishing a culture of mutual trust and support Running Title: Harmonization of quality management within BBMRI.at

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Clin Chem Lab Med. 2019 Jun 7

Haslacher H; Bayer M; Fiegl H; Gerner M; Hofer P; Korb M; Neururer S; Perkmann T; Plattner K; Sargsyan K; Steiner E; Stumptner C; Walter I; Wieser M; Wutte A; Wagner O and Zatloukal K

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The impact of crosslinking and non-crosslinking fixatives on antigen retrieval and immunohistochemistry

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New Biotechnology, Vol 52, p69-83, 2019

Cornelia Stumptner, Daniela Pabst, Martina Loibner, Christian Viertler, Kurt Zatloukal

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Crucial Role of High Quality Biosamples in Biomarker Development

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Handbook for Biomarkers and Precision Medicine, 1st edition 2019, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group

Cornelia Stumptner, Karine Sargsyan, Kurt Zatloukal

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Biobanks in personalized medicine

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Expert Review of Prec Med & Drug Dev, Vol. 3, 2018 – Issue 4

Zatloukal K, Stumptner C, Penelope K, Mueller H

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Advancing Biomarker Development Through Convergent Engagement: Summary Report of the 2nd International Danube Symposium on Biomarker Development

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Molecular Imaging and Applied Diagnostics; March 14–16, 2018; Vienna, Austria; Mol Imaging Biol (2019), pp 1-19

M. S. Lim, Thomas Beyer , A. Babayan, M. Bergmann, M. Brehme, A. Buyx, J. Czernin, G. Egger, K. S. J. Elenitoba-Johnson, B. Gückel, A. Jačan, H. Haslacher,12 R. J. Hicks,13 L. Kenner,5,9,14,15 M. Langanke,16 M. Mitterhauser, B. J. Pichler, H. R. Salih, R. Schibli, S. Schulz, J. Simecek J. Simon, M. O. Soares, U. Stelzl, W. Wadsak, K. Zatloukal, M. Zeitlinger, M. Hacker

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