Oct 13-14, 2022: EBW Roadshow on “PEDIATRICS” | Rome, IT

Paediatric (research) biobanking is a European priority asking for an Ethical-legal-Societal-ELS shift within a Responsible Research & Innovation – RRI framework. Therefore, the EBW Roadshow aims to co-building a participatory and inclusive community of practices that tackles the challenges of biobanking with minors and their engagement.

Aim of the workshop is to present and to stimulate exchange on established practices and priorities of various actors in the pedriatic and biobanking field to improve empowerment and engagement.

This will allow an in-depth exchange and propose how to comply with the EC’s Horizon Europe goal to implement both Responsible Research and Innovation and open science with the young generation of researchers and citizens.

Ultimately, this workshop aims to deepen community engagement among stakeholders from the pediatric and RD community, promoting practical solutions, and addressing ELS challenges, which we aim to foster at the ELSI Knowledge Base.